- Shanghai Film Production

Description: Shanghai Film Production - Commercial Cinematographer - TVC 姚晨x百年灵 上海影视制作公司 - 商业摄影师 - 商业广告导演 服务, IMC brand concept film-Shanghai Video Production-Shanghai Film Production-China Corporate Video, Westin Lets Rise Anthem Film - Shanghai Film Production Services

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Filmmaking (or in an academic context, film production ) is the process of making a film . Filmmaking involves a number of discrete stages including an initial story , idea , or commission, through scriptwriting , casting , shooting, sound recording and reproduction , editing , and screening the finished product before an audience that may result in a film release and exhibition. Filmmaking takes place in many places around the world in a range of economic , social , and political contexts, and using a vari

Film production consists of five major stages:

Shanghai is the largest Chinese city by population and the largest city proper by population in the world. It is one of the four direct-controlled municipalities of China , with a population of more than 24 million as of 2014 . It is a global financial center , and a transport hub with the world's busiest container port . Located in the Yangtze River Delta in East China , Shanghai sits on the south edge of the mouth of the Yangtze in the middle portion of the Chinese coast. The municipality borders the prov