- About

Description: By Sam Finlayson, MD-PhD student at Harvard-MIT

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I am resident physician in Pediatrics and Clinical Genetics (combined program) at Seattle Children's Hospital and the University of Washington. Previously, I completed my medical degree in the Harvard-MIT HST program , and my PhD under the direction of Isaac Kohane (Harvard DBMI) and Peter Szolovits (MIT CSAIL) . My clinical interests are in the diagnosis and treatment of rare pediatric diseases. My research background is primarily in biomedical applications of machine learning. Recurring technical themes i

Brett Beaulieu-Jones, Samuel Finlayson , William Yuan, Russ Altman, Isaac Kohane, Vinay Prasad, Kun-Hsing Yu Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics , 2019 [ Abstract ] [ Paper ]

Samuel Finlayson , John Bowers, Joi Ito, Jonathan Zittrain, Andrew Beam, Isaac Kohane Science , 2019 [ Abstract ] [ Paper ] [ GitHub ] [ Technical Preprint] [ FAQ ] [Sample press: NYT, New Yorker, IEE, Vox, Axios ]

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