sf4water.org - SF4water.org - Ask San Francisco to do its Part to Protect the Environment

Description: Tell San Francisco Mayor London Breed to hire a new general manager to run the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission who reflects San Francisco’s values and leadership in protecting the environment.

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Ask the Peninsula's Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) to do it's part

Most San Franciscans know that their drinking water, among the best in the world, comes from Hetch Hetchy in the Sierras.  Hetch Hetchy dams the Tuolumne River which originates in Yosemite National Park. 

Many San Franciscans probably have no idea that the City has been told by the state to leave a little more water in the river to help heal severe harm to salmon and the health of the San Francisco Bay and Delta.  Instead of doing its part, at the urging of the SFPUC staff, the City has sued the state to block these stronger protections.  

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