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Description: The Four Horsemen of the Middle Aged Apocalypse

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I received a circular from Standard Life this morning in the email, offering advice on “How to pass on your pension to your loved ones”. This, I thought, was  a bit previous as I have no intention of dying anytime soon, although I grudgingly admit that at some point it may have to happen. Like Woody Allen, however, I don’t intend to be there when it does. 

One of the main tips in the article was to remember to regularly review your will. My wife and I made our first will about twenty five years ago when we took out a new mortgage. I think, at the time, that we giggled our way through it at the strangeness of it all, laughing in  the distant face of our assumed unlikely deaths. Oh to be young again. When we recently updated it, we weren’t quite so jocular and it seemed quite a serious exercise, simultaneously quite simple and complex as you work through variou

Another document we were handed to complete prepared you for things that you might like to happen upon your death – including such things as what music you’d like played at your funeral – in a Statement of Wishes. Filling that out is also still on the “To Do” list. It’s one of these things that you know you should focus some attention on but somehow find yourself not getting round to it. 

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