- Selegiline ( l-deprenyl )

Example domain paragraphs

" ..... Selegiline , also known as l-deprenyl , is an irreversible and (relatively) selective MAO-B inhibitor. Meta-analysis of published clinical trials confirms it offers a cheap, safe and effective symptomatic treatment of early Parkinson's disease . Selegiline may also be neuroprotective and act as an antidepressant .          The enzyme monoamine oxidase has two main forms, type A and type B . They are coded by separate genes. MAO may be inhibited with agents that act reversibly or irreversibly; and se

        Selegiline has immune-system -boosting and anti- neurodegenerative effects. Its use increases the level of tyrosine hydroxylase , growth hormone , cerebral nitric oxide and the production of key interleukins . Selegiline offers protection against DNA damage and oxidative stress by hydroxyl and peroxyl radical trapping; and against excitotoxic damage from glutamate . In addition, selegiline stimulates the release of superoxide dismutase (SOD). SOD is a key enzyme which helps to quench the production

        On the other hand, co-administering un selective selegiline dosages or unselective irreversible MAOIs like tranylcypromine (Parnate) or phenelzine (Nardil) with MDMA is potentially lethal .         Taken at MAO-B-selective dosages, selegiline is typically less effective as a mood-brightener than other dopaminergics such as amineptine (Survector) - though occasionally spectacular remission of depressive symptoms may occur even with minimal MAO-A inhibition. Taken at un selective dosages of 20mg a day

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