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Years ago, pestilence I read a post by the always-awesome Eric Ries called “ The one line split-test, or how to do A/B all the time ” and I thought it was brilliant. He espoused that with a low enough setup-cost, A/B testing could be used prolifically.

A while later, I was involved in writing an A/B Testing framework at Wikia (Fandom) and we were able to create a fairly simple system which allowed Product Managers to create and view experiments easily from a panel. However, due to the type of site Wikia is, each experiment often wanted to track different metrics.

You may be expecting what comes next: the small amount of friction required from both a Product Manager to set up an experiment, and the extra friction of figuring out how to get custom metrics… lead to this rather-advanced* system being used very-little in practice.

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