- USSSP: Information about the Scouts-L email discussion list

Description: U.S. Scouting Service Project Scouts-L

crew (590) scouting (589) den (422) boy scout (70) venturing (45) cub scout (36) listserv (27) venturer (14) email discussion (2)

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SCOUTS-L is the "International Electronic Roundtable that Never Ends". It provides opportunities for adult youth program leaders world-wide to interact, compare notes on their programs, discuss organizational problems and concerns, and communicate with other youth program leaders all over the world! The list has been operating continuously since March 29, 1990.

While the discussion may be heavily weighted towards the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), we do welcome discussions from members of the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), Boys' and Girls' Clubs, Campfire, and other world-wide scouting and youth organizations, and others interested in youth programs.

New subscribers to SCOUTS-L receive a "You are now subscribed to the Scouts-L list" introductory letter with some instructions on how to post to the list, and a "Welcome to Scouts-L" letter with some guidelines and more instructions. Copies of both letters can be seen by following these links:

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