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Since the summer, there has been a worrying growth of scepticism about the coronavirus. There have been claims that it is a manufactured, elite conspiracy, designed to control an increasingly fearful population. For some folk, the wearing of a medical mask equates to a fundamental attack on civil liberties and spells the doom of the much vaunted ‘western way of life’. Quite why wearing a cover over your face to prevent the spread of germs is tantamount to authoritarianism has never been properly explained b

There is, however, an even more worrying position taken by other covid sceptics: coronavirus is real, but it has been over-hyped by the media and government, and it is not as dangerous as ‘they’ claim. Much of the coronavirus sceptic drive has come from the alt-right and groups like Q Anon, but there is a worrying trend of such material being shared by ordinary people on Facebook and other social media outlets.

Some posts allegedly come from professionals: doctors, nurses, scientists and the like, giving details of some new miracle cure, or dubious information, or ‘exposing’ some cover up. We say ‘allegedly’, because in many cases, it is far from clear where the original posts are coming from. Anyone can claim that they “… have a friend, who’s sister is a nurse, who works in a covid-19 ward…”.  And, even if the original post was submitted in good faith, its substance may be exaggerated, twisted, or simply downrigh

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