- Scott B. Weingart | Historian of knowledge, professional circus performer, amateur father, and hopeless adventurer. Research aff

Description: Historian of knowledge, professional circus performer, amateur father, and hopeless adventurer. Research affiliate at the University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Data, Culture & Society.

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Hi! I’m Scott B. Weingart, and I wear many hats. In my off time, I’m a historian of knowledge affiliated with the University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Data, Culture & Society , as well as a professional circus performer, an amateur father, and a hopeless adventurer. You can read about my day job on my cv .

My work wanders between categories (the hiring manager from one failed academic interview described me as “too ludic” for their department), but here are some highlights:

Before becoming a civil servant, I directed tech-inflected scholarly programs at the University of Notre Dame and at Carnegie Mellon University. I’m privileged to have served in leadership roles in some amazing organizations, including the  Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations and the  Association for Computers and the Humanities .

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