- Scott and Tina Phillips

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She’s trying to drive already. Scott is sharing all of his childhood places with Ellie and so far we’ve returned here several times. Ellie is a fan. She’s turning into a 2 year old. She’s already acting like one and is fiercely independent except when she wants her mommy or daddy. Then she’s relentless. However, she’s excellent at preschool dropoffs and is very brave now about school. I am going to have to learn to figure her out at a faster pace as she’s now starting to just grow mentally far faster than I

If you don’t get the Monty Python reference then you’re probably younger or have no sense of humor. So I have been neglecting this poor blog for a really long time, but really it’s not entirely my fault. I won’t make every post about not writing more posts I promise. Ellie has grown so much it’s getting hard to keep up with her. Especially now that she’s all walking/running everywhere. She just started daycare full time. We eased ourselves into the whole daycare thing as we knew it would be a big change for

Ellie received a beautiful art easel made by her grandpa Perry and she is in total love with it. I’m excited to see her want to express herself and her love for good art supplies. (I must encourage this :) ). She wants to draw any chance she gets.