- Freedom Magazine: Amy Scobee, Sex, Lies, Gossip and Extramarital Affairs

Description: Official Freedom Magazine: Learn more about Amy Scobee, who spends her time posting sensational nonsense to cyber-terrorists and has a history of engaging in extramarital affairs while working at the Church of Scientology. Learn how Amy Scobee never played a significant role in running anything and was expelled from the Church in 2005 for gross incompetence.

magazine (8833) freedom (1693) rinder (175) scientology (92) investigative journalism (54) rathbun (7) miscavige (6) amy scobee (5)

Example domain paragraphs

“Amy Scobee, a Scientologist for 27 years, helped run the Celebrity Centre in Los Angeles.” — Anderson Cooper when introducing Amy Scobee to AC360 viewers

Needless to say, it was a convenient tagline and gave Cooper the license to drop the names of certain highly notable Scientologists. But in truth, Amy Scobee never played a significant role in running anything and was actually expelled from the Church for gross incompetence in 2005.

Hence, her altogether more appropriate tagline: