- Wholeness: Far too Few Venture Far Enough to Achieve Real JoyScience of Wholeness Is Your Highest Fulfillment | Wholeness repres

Description: Discover your most complete and natural state of joy possible. There is nothing more valuable and fulfilling than wholeness.

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One way or another, we are all searching for wholeness! There is NOTHING more fulfilling, NOTHING more essential, and NOTHING more vital and wonderful than wholeness which is our union with Spirit and our connection with Source which is the most intense pleasure and deepest unconditional love imaginable times infinity!

Most of humanity seems locked into vicious, self-destructive cycles such as addiction to unhealthy food, over-consumption of vital resources, and unbridled sensuality causing overpopulation. One’s real reason to exist should rather be to escape these unsustainable modes of behavior by fully realizing, embracing and expressing every possible way one can find toward ever deeper realization of ever more fulfilling conditions of wholeness.

Everyone lives inside a limited system of beliefs. Unfortunately, it is human nature to build a strong wall or barrier of extreme prejudice and/or resistance around one’s self for one’s own convenience to never go or venture beyond one’s personal interpretation of truth. Whenever I try to convey my ongoing diet, spiritual and transmutation discoveries of wholeness to others, people put up a strong resistance. The best I can do is simply make them available for free and “lead by example” by immensely thrivin

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