- Main Page - Christoph G. Schuetz

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Hey there! That guy in the picture, that's me: My name is Christoph, and I'm associate professor of business informatics at the Johannes Kepler University Linz . You may now ask: Where's Linz? And what's business informatics anyway? Well, the first one's easy: Linz is a city by the Danube in Upper Austria. The second one takes a little bit more time to explain but you may think of business informatics as a kind of applied computer science with a hint of social sciences.

Personally, I'm more on the computer-science side of the discipline. You know, building systems , mainly in the areas of business intelligence and analytics, but also business process modeling and management. Still, I'm also doing research on the social and organizational aspects of computing: investigating people's attitudes towards security and privacy as well as looking at the pracitical and theoretical lessons that can be learned from business intelligence and analytics projects. I've also looked at com

During my time at the Institute of Business Informatics – Data & Knowledge Engineering – that's my group at university, which I'm currently deputy head of – I've been involved in multiple collaborative research projects together with various industry partners, such as Frequentis AG , solvistas GmbH , or smartbow GmbH . Some of my master's students have been working for such companies as ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH as part of their thesis work. I've also had (and in some cases still have) research collaborations with