- Welcome · Project Scene (Sustainable Community Energy Networks)

Description: Project SCENe (Sustainable Community Energy Networks) looks to accelerate adoption of Community Energy Systems, using locally produced energy to cut bills.

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Project SCENe (Sustainable Community Energy Networks) looks to accelerate the adoption of Community Energy Systems, a different way of generating and supplying locally generated heat and electricity to homes and commercial buildings. The benefits are reduced cost and more efficient use of distributed renewables to reduce the overall carbon emissions from the energy system. In addition the utilisation of energy storage provides additional services to help keep the UK power networks more robust and stable.  M

Project SCENe starts with a blank sheet of paper: a new housing development in Nottingham’s Trent Basin . It brings together all the companies involved in the energy supply chain with the potential buyers of up to 120 homes on site. Read more about the project partners here . Involving solar photo-voltaic panels, Europe’s largest community energy battery, local thermal energy production, distribution and storage and research expertise, the aim is to generate renewable energy, support local communities, addr

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