- Scalind

Description: Transparnet Rollups as a Service

Example domain paragraphs

Open app Launch custom L2 blockchain in a day We setup a state of the art Optimistic EVM rollup for you which provides both flexibility of a custom blockchain as well as security provided by an L1 chain. Use your own ERC-20 token as a gas currency to provide utility for it (or keep L1's native token). Get market ready and on all chain trackers within 2 weeks

We help setup a rollup as well as base DeFi services that you might need - like block explorer based on Blockscout, multisig wallet service based on Gnosis Safe and Uniswap V2-based AMM. All of these are open source, audited and widely used We help you reserve the chain ID and populate info about your rollup on crypto platforms so that people can discover your infrastructure from day one

Scalind — explorer Scalind Devnet — explorer GTON — website | explorer