- Sardonic Scribe | Stimulating thought, one neuron at a time.

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It would appear that everything regarding the ideological “Left” is about having the appearance of being that other than what something is in reality. A good example is the current struggle to “Normalize” transexuality while attempting to forcibly foist this abomination upon society at large. Why is that? What is the ultimate goal here? It is nearly comical to watch a leftist squirm, and struggle, and sweat when asked something as simple as to define what a woman is. This seemingly innocent, innocuous quest

One of the most blatant examples occurring today regards the security of our southern border with Mexico. Don’t believe your lying eyes we are told, the southern border is secure. Representatives of the current governmental regime have no problem with sitting before a Congressional Committee and saying this with a straight face. Never-mind the millions of illegals who have crossed already and continue to flood into America virtually unchecked. And, there is no end in sight as our national sovereignty is sac

What about the illusion of freedom? Never before have we seen such assaults on our God given rights as we see today. Parents who dare to challenge or speak out against the leftist indoctrination happening in our public schools are met with investigations from government goons in the FBI or Dept. of Justice. Those who dare speak out against the insidious sexualization of children as young as Kindergarten age, may end up on enemies lists of School Boards and Government agencies to be punished should they cont