- Temple Emanu-El of Sarasota

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Welcome to the Vibrant Center of Jewish life in Sarasota, Manatee, and Lakewood Ranch!

Temple Emanu-El is one of the five kindest and most friendly congregations in America, according to Reform Judaism Magazine .  Every guest is greeted warmly and introduced to others.  People come here and find friends.  It does not take long for members and children to be known by name.

Temple Emanu-El thrives with activity.  Every day there are classes, lectures, films, performances, and nationally award-winning programs.  Our active Sisterhood and Brotherhood plan the social events that bring us together and build friendships.  We are energized for Social Action and Social Justice, with special emphasis on reading readiness and hunger.  We are devoted supporters of Israel.  Once you find our congregation, you will never be bored.