- What? Another Fashion Blog? | Red and Re-read

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Acha has been an icon in our fashion world, and has done so with a warm heart and generous spirit.  She’s shared herself with us, without any boundaries between her physical and virtual self.  I will miss her unique and stunning sense of style, and her elegant writing, and just . . . seeing her around on the feeds. <3

Acha and I weren’t close friends, but she’s still played a major influence in my SLife.  Her blog has inspired me and introduced me to awesome new-to-me stores.  She encouraged me when I first started blogging.  She encouraged me when I first started creating.  She wrote copy for my store when I was first starting out, and her generous words inspired me to work harder and be better, to try and live up to her elegant descriptions.  By including me as a tiny part of her blog in various Not Me posts, she gave