- Sarah Nimfuehr in English - Sarah

Description: Sarah Nimführ - Cultural Anthropologist and Educational Scientist

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Hi, my name is Sarah Nimführ and I’m a cultural anthropologist of forced migration, transnational memory cultures, and Island Studies with a regional focus on the Mediterranean and the Caribbean. Further, I’m interested in engaged anthropology and collaborative knowledge production.

I'm currently based at the University of Arts Linz in the Department of Cultural Studies working as a principal investigator on a postdoc project on transgenerational memory work of Jewish exile, which has been funded by the FWF-Firnberg Program since June 2021. In June 2020 I earned my PhD in European Ethnology from University of Vienna on non-deportability in the EU border regime.

My first book Umkämpftes Recht zu bleiben. Zugehörigkeit, Mobilität und Kontrolle was published in Dampfboot-Verlag in 2020 and was awarded with the Theodor-Körner-Prize. I have co-edited the collected volume Forschen und Arbeiten im Kontext von Flucht (2019, Springer) as well as the special issues Representing islands, producing islandness (2021, Island Studies Journal) and 'Solidarität' (2021, kuckuck. Notizen zur Alltagskultur). Among others, my work has appeared in the Island Studies Journal , the Anthr