- Unified Sandwich Framework

Example domain paragraphs

Is a Pop-tart a sandwich? A simple question, but any answer must probe the very essence of what it means to be a sandwich. Previous attempts include the Sandwich Alignment Chart , which answers what kind of person calls a pop-tart a sandwich , and the Cube Rule , which answers under what conditions might a Pop-tart be called a sandwich , but their conclusions are tempered by their inability to recognize a fundamental truth: everything is a sandwich, to some extent. The critical question is not is a Pop-tart

An ideal sandwich consists of some number of ingredients fixed between two samples of a different ingredient. A sandwich's structure score does not reflect the ingredients themselves, only their arrangement as a whole. Take for example an aluminum composite panel - two thin aluminum sheets bonded to a non-aluminum core. This is structurally similar to a grilled cheese despite the fact that aluminum is inedible. More abstractly, sequences of events can have a high structural score when sampled over time. Wha

An ideal sandwich is edible. It is usually composed of bread, meat, cheese, lettuce, and other such vegetables and condiments, though alternative elements such as peanut butter and jelly are common. The composition score of a sandwich reflects the sandwich's ingredients and the ratios between them. While an aluminum composite panel is similar in structure and ingredient ratio to a grilled cheese, it falls short in its ingredient set. On the other hand, a chicken salad with croutons has a similar ingredient