- Sandro Sousa

Description: Postdoc in Science of Science and Algorithmic fairness

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Sandro is a computer scientist interested in spatial complexity, random walks on graphs, population dynamics, urban segregation, algorithmic fairness and the quantification of these phenomena through graphs and data models.

Currently, he is a Postdoc in the NEtwoRks, Data, and Society Group (NERDS) at IT University of Copenhagen and a visiting Postdoc at (SODAS) . His research concentrates on quantifying algorithmic fairness and bias in Science of Science through randomised controlled experiments and analysis of large datasets of academic publications.

He has a PhD in Complex Systems at The School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London , with supervision by Vincenzo Nicosia . His PhD research focused on quantifying the heterogeneity of spatial systems through random walks on graphs with a particular interest on urban segregation. Previously he had worked as a research associate on a project between Brazilian and British academics entitled RESOLUTION where the cities of London and São Paulo were compared for social segregation and trans