- Sam Killmeyer

Description: Sam Killmeyer is a writer and teacher living in Northern Colorado. She has published a chapbook, Again The Grass Again The Wind with Dancing Girl Press, and her poems have appeared in The Burnside Review, Mid-American Review, Moon City Review, RATTLE, and elsewhere. She received her MFA from Colorado State University and is at work…

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Sam Killmeyer is a writer and teacher living in Northern Colorado. She has published a chapbook, Again The Grass Again The Wind with Dancing Girl Press, and her poems have appeared in The Burnside Review, Mid-American Review, Moon City Review, RATTLE, and elsewhere. She received her MFA from Colorado State University and is at work on a full length collection of poems. When not writing, she is hiking, practicing her bakes for a future GBBO appearance, and making other weird art things out of ceramics, acryl

Chapbook – Again The Grass Again The Wind – Dancing Girl Press – May, 2022

350 Northern Colorado Wins $500,000 EPA Grant – Nov 29, 2022