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Description: The quarterly magazine of conservative thought

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Woke up to the joyful news that Beeston Council, Nottingham, under the guidance of their Civic Society, has decided to allow local road tunnels to be spray-painted with graffiti. According to Jeanie Barton of the society, the arrival of unintelligible writing in thick black lines and accompanying childlike bubbles in sugary colours is a ‘poignant’ commemoration of fifty years of … [Read on]

What a joke! There is only one solution to illegal immigration, get rid of the people smugglers. Who are they? The  Home Office Immigration Department. Under Home Office (unspoken but universally applied) rules, an illegal migrant, or any migrant for that matter, does not need permission to settle here and conduct a business or enjoy free health care, housing, and … [Read on]

The University of Aberdeen has bravely conducted a ground-breaking review of its historical funding, in which it ascertained that the family of Mary Ann Baxter, the lady who donated the equivalent of £14.4 million by modern standards and indeed co-founded the university, made some of her money by selling a type of cheap linen used as clothing for slaves. This … [Read on]

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