- Saddleback District BSA

Example domain paragraphs

This is the web domain for unit pages from Saddleback District of the Orange County Council of the Boy Scouts of America. You can go to: http:// to see if there is a link to the unit you are looking for. You can find the Saddleback District webpage at:

You can sign up for the Saddleback-BSA announcement list on this page .

You may know that the Orange County Council is changing their hosting of unit websites on November 30, 2006. This is in part due to a change in hosting services for the council website. You can read the council note about this at: I realize that many units have come to rely on their websites. In thinking about this I realized that I have a fair amount of spare space on the sites that I already host on a commercial service. This means that I can offer website space to e

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