ryanleh.me - Ryan Lehmkuhl

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I'm a first year PhD student in the PDOS and CSS groups at MIT working under the excellent guidance of Henry Corrigan-Gibbs in the areas of cryptography, computer security, and systems. I am supported by an MIT Sunlin and Priscilla Chou Fellowship and an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Before beginning my PhD, I worked at Opaque , a startup that provides a platform for collaborative data analytics on private data. Prior to that, I graduated with a BS in EECS from UC Berkeley under the superb advisement of

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EOS: Efficient Outsourcing of zkSNARKs. *Alessandro Chiesa, Ryan Lehmkuhl , Pratyush Mishra, Yinuo Zhang. To appear USENIX Security 2023 . Muse: Client-Malicious Secure Inference. Ryan Lehmkuhl , Pratyush Mishra, Akshayaram Srinivasan, Raluca Ada Popa. USENIX Security 2021 . ( ePrint , Code )

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