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He stops counting throughout season three, but resumes during season 4. In season four, he’s out of Murphy’s control, grows a beard and lives in a tent on the top of an enormous tree with Red. In Season 5, his right hand is bitten by zombies and Red cuts it off. Kaya is first encountered within the second episode of season 3, “A New Mission”.

In Season four, she wakes up in Zona after being treated from being hit with a ricocheting bullet that passed via Murphy. After the chaos caused by the failing vaccine created from Murphy’s blood among the Zona Citizens, she, together with Murphy, escapes and reunites with the group. In season 5, she turns into a talker after dying from blood loss after the drone she was trapped in crash-landed within the season four finale. However, not like any of the talkers, she does not crave brains, presumably as a re

She eventually discovers the remedy to the ZN1 virus which would revert the talkers, in addition to the newly-turned zombies. Javier Vasquez is first encountered in the opening episode of season 2, “The Murphy”. Vasquez was a DEA agent, however after he arrested some of Escorpion’s males, Escorpion kidnapped his spouse and daughter, later killing them in front of him.