- GreenGlyph | A Journey on the Magical Path

Description: A Journey on the Magical Path

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I know a thing or two about psychotherapy: I trained to be a psychotherapist, obtaining a graduate degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology, and worked for 2 years as a psychotherapy intern. I ran a therapy group for a year as well. As part of our training, as should be required of anyone who seeks to help others with their psychological and spiritual issues, I was required to be in therapy myself as a client for at least one year. Those who understand what it means to “work on oneself” will realize th

So the profound logical fallacy associated with wokeism, is that it can blind people to enormous wrong, and allow them to unwittingly support communism and the march to genocide, by planting in their minds the idea that only certain groups of people could possibly do (collective) wrong, and others are simply always (collectively) right and perennially victims.

Clients Challenging Their Therapists is an Integral Part of Therapy, Signalling Arrival at an Important Relational Stage Did I bring up those issues about being bothered by anti-white propaganda in my milieu, because I needed to process them with a good listener, or is it possible that I “sensed” that this was a topic that would bother my therapist, and in some unconscious way needed to “test” my therapist, by “poking at” or provoking her as regards my inutitions about her shortcomings or blind spots? I don