rpmanetworks.com - The World’s Premier IoT Solutions Provider | RPMANetworks

Description: RPMAnetworks is a fast-growing IoT Solutions Provider in UAE that offers end-to-end IoT solutions for governments and industries. We Demonstrated positive return on investment from best-fit solutions

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healthcare1 Smart Home Solutions Connected-cars CIOTA™ – CONNECTED CAR smart-home SMART FIRE sf SMART AGRICULTURE healthcare1 REMOTE PATIENT MONITORING SMART SOLUTIONS SMART CITY We have a decade-long experience delivering mega projects worldwide, which gives us a unique ability to design, build, and support successful Smart City solutions utilizing an integrated approach that includes IoT, AI, and Big Data capabilities.

Our home automation system lets you remotely control and monitor your home’s daily operations for optimum convenience. The system is also designed to deliver maximum security and safety, reduce energy consumption, and achieve sustainability.

A complete solution consists of the world’s most accurate and sensitive sensors to detect the slightest fire once it breaks out, giving you ample time to mitigate the damages and save lives.

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