rpgtalkshow.com - The RPG Talk Show Website

Description: Welcome to the RPG Talk Show, covering weekly news, information, commentary, community discussions, and debate about the effects of all role-playing game formats, and their potential uses for professional, educational, recreational, and therapeutic goals.

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Streaming live THURSDAYS 4-5 PM Pacific Time: https://twitch.tv/rpgresearch - Role-playing game talk show videos & podcasts covering RPG Entertainment, Education, Professional, & Therapeutic news, reviews, debate, theory and applied discussions, community discussions. We cover all RPG formats: Tabletop (TRPG), Live-action (LARP), Computer-based (CRPG), & Solo adventure books/modules (SABM).

RPG Talk show is not about the latest modules and releases, there are plenty of sources for that information, we will mention such releases when related to the aforementioned topics however.

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