- Rosenthal Women's Health & Fertility

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Too often women’s health issues are treated piecemeal: go to the back doctor for the back pain, take an antidepressant for PMS or menopausal mood swings or anxiety or depression, go to the GI doc for your digestive issues (even though you’ve already done that, twice).  Totally frustrating. We get it. We see it differently.

We offer a safe, highly effective and affordable program of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, nutrition and lifestyle guidance for couples that are trying to conceive. This approach maximizes the couple’s chances of conceiving naturally, is comfortable and relaxing, and improves the overall sense of wellbeing and vitality in the process. 

Our Egg Freezing preparation program is designed to get your blood and energy flowing so you go into egg freezing protocol as strong and balanced as can be , with the goal to retrieve as many healthy eggs as possible.