- Ronin7: J.B. Zimmerman

Description: Infrastructure Ops, Defense Analysis and Quality Fiction with some obsessive hobbies thrown in.

Example domain paragraphs

A professional Op, I'm also an (ex-)military analyst with too many fountain pens who was once unhired by the CIA because they asked me what I thought of George W. Bush while I was under a lie detector. I write fiction and fly airplanes for fun.

more about me

Born and raised in New York City, I've come back to my home town after years away. I have loved computers since the first time I sneaked onto a family friend's TRS-80 back in the day. It is with some regret that I've made them my vocation ; not because I don't like working with them, but because they're no longer a way to decompress outside of work. These days I have flying for that!

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