- Roll the Bones: The History of Gambling – Casino Edition, non-fiction by David G. Schwartz

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Roll the Bones tells the story of gambling: where it came from, how it has changed, and where it is now. This is the new Casino Edition. which updates and expands the global history of gambling to include a greater focus on casinos, from their development in European spas to their growth in Reno and Las Vegas. New material chronicles in greater depth the development of casino resorts on the Las Vegas Strip and their spread throughout the United States. A new chapter better places Atlantic City’s casinos int

From the first modern casino in Venice (1638), casinos have grown incredibly. During the 18th and 19th century, a series of European spa towns, culminating in Monte Carlo, hosted casinos. In the United States, during those same years, gambling developed both in illegal urban gambling halls and in the wide-open saloons of the western frontier. Those two strands of American gambling came together in Nevada’s legal casinos, whose current regime dates from 1931. Developing with a healthy assist from elements af

Reading Roll the Bones , you’ll get a better appreciation for how long casinos and gambling have been with us–and what they mean to us today.

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