- Is Evolution a Fact? How we know Evolution is a Fact

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Fact and Myth

Claim: Evolution is a lie.  It’s just a secular religion. Fact: Evolution is simply what several separate and unrelated lines of evidence converge upon.  The fossil record, DNA similarities, geographic patterns, embryonic similarities, homologous structures, vestigial structures, phylogenetic similarities, various methods of dating (carbon, tree ring, radiometric, coral,etc) and other factors all independently point to evolution.  Anti-evolution arguments are a collection of logical fallacies, most often st

Since Origin of Species was published, the theory of evolution has been the source of much controversy, especially in religious circles.  To this day, a cottage industry that purports to “debunk” evolution exists in the form of books, lectures, videos, and even creation museums.  Often referred to as “creationism” or “creation science,” this industry doesn’t provide actual science but rather feeds its readers, listeners and viewers, a straw man version of evolution.