- The Robert Katende Profile Final

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The inspiring story of Robert Katende, the man behind the success of Uganadan chess champion Phiona Mutesi, begins in a small town in Kiboga District where his teenage mother had to place her son in the care of his grandmother. Uprooted by the Ugandan Bus War insurgency of those years, Robert and his grandmother eventually made it to Kampala.

Later, living in the slums of Nakulabye, he was taken in by two different aunties. Against all odds, he made it to Kyambogo University where he pursued a degree in civil engineering. It was there that he started volunteering with Sports Outreach and two years later, in 2002, he began working for that organization full time.

Having played for Miracle Football Club, Top TV F.C. and Sports Outreach Ambassadors (SOA_ F.C. under Coach Aloysius Kyazze, Robert’s ability to help young people with their soccer skills came easily. He also worked with Divine Waters Ministry in partnership with Sports Outreach to drill wells in Gulu. His exemplaray and innovative leadership in 15 years of service have see him as Project Coordinator in Katwe, Sports Outreach Director, Kampala and Nairobi, and more recenlty Sports Outreach Director for Afri