rivqa.net - Rivqa Rafael

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Probably the only really worthwhile thing I did on my now-deleted Twitter is write micro reviews of short stories. I started doing this because short stories receive so little attention (or at least positive attention), but when they’re good they’re like a tiny perfect/imperfect world that you can discover on your phone in text or podcast form while you’re waiting for the bus. I started this project in 2020, but I fell off the wagon mid 2021 when uni heated up and I got behind in my reading. Maybe I’ll star

Like so many of the rats jumping ship, I’m currently in the process of winding down my Twitter account. While I have a linktree , I’ve put this post together to provide a little more detail about where I actually spend my social media time, in case anyone wants to find me while Twitter takes its last gasping breaths. In no particular order:

Please stay in touch if you’d like to!