riveragallery.com - Rivera Gallery

Description: Hugo Rivera Gallery, Corporeal Prison Fall 2019 Diego Rivera Gallery, Art & Coffee/Hugo Rivera Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA, Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera and Gallery Morada | Art Loft 334 Episode, Mid-Market at Diego Rivera Gallery

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Rivera is the capital of Rivera Department of Uruguay . The border with Brazil joins it with the Brazilian city of Santana do Livramento , which is only a street away from it. Together, they form an urban area of around 200,000 inhabitants. As of the census of 2011, it is the sixth most populated city of Uruguay.

The city is located on the border with Brazil at the north end of Route 5 .

On 21 March 1860 a pueblo (village) named Pereira was created by the Act of Ley Nº 614.