ritwikgupta.me - Gradients - Ritwik Gupta - Gradients

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AI and Policy researcher driving innovation in humanitarian assistance and disaster response (HADR).

My name is Ritwik Gupta and I am a Ph.D. student at the University of California, Berkeley, where I am a member of the Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) lab. My research focus is on computer vision for humanitarian assistance and disaster response, as well as the development of policies related to the use of machine learning in developing areas. I am co-advised by Drs. Trevor Darrell and Shankar Sastry . I am an AI Policy Fellow in the Center for Security in Politics under the advisement of Sec. Janet Napolitano

In addition to my academic pursuits, I am the Founder and President of Neural Tangent , a company that uses machine learning to solve problems in the field of humanitarian assistance and disaster response. I also provide consulting services in the areas of machine learning, artificial intelligence, edge computing, and remote sensing.

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