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It can be really difficult when your car needs a repair and you do not have the money to pay for it. You might be tempted to try to borrow the money, perhaps by getting a guaranteed payday loan . However, this may not be the best idea, although it could be a solution for some people. It is best to start with thinking about how necessary the car repair is and whether it can wait or not to be done. It is wise to consider how safe the car is to drive and whether it is necessary for you to drive it. Obviously y

If you have some savings then it can be sensible to use this money rather than borrow any. This is because you have to pay to borrow money and so if you can use money that you already have then you will not have to pay any extra. If you were saving up for something or had the money earmarked for later use, then think hard about whether it is better to use it for the car repair, pay less for it in the long run and you will be able to start saving up again.

If you have no savings or really do not want to use them, then you will have to look for other options. Consider whether you might be able to get an advance on your salary or whether anyone owes you money that you could ask for. Also think about whether it would be possible for you to do any overtime or freelance work that would raise the money that you need. Selling things that you own could also help to give you some money towards the cost. Even if these things do not raise enough money to pay for the ful