- Graphic Art, Tortillas, Comics, and Troublemaking –


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Happy Valentine’s Day to all of my friends and lovers! El Rio’s Valentine’s Day Cards are back in the mix to get their kicks! This is the 16th year of my cards and it’s turned into my longest running project yet. Enjoy! As always, please post these cards on the pages of your social media friends, foes, polyamorous quadrangle booty calls, TikTok crushes, meme suppliers, and the homies. To see a complete collection of El Rio’s Valentine’s Day Cards visit:

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of my friends and lovers! El Rio’s Valentine’s Day Cards are back in the mix to get their kicks! This is the 15th year of my cards and it’s turned into my longest running project yet. Enjoy! As always, please post these cards on the pages of your social media friends, foes, polyamorous quadrangle booty calls, TikTok crushes, Snapchat favorites, and the homies. To see a complete collection of El Rio’s Valentine’s Day Cards visit:

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