ricoklimpel.de - Rico Klimpel

Description: Software Engineer from Germany

Example domain paragraphs

I'm a passionate software developer from germany. Welcome to my public digital playground! I started creating an online presence after realizing that it is important not to limit yourself to the consumer side of the internet. "Share your work" or "Share what you love" is a phrase often encountered in books or expressed by individuals who engage online. I have come to realize the effectiveness of this principle, as it allows us to connect with like-minded individuals, fostering meaningful conversations and f

In my current professional context, I am primarily involved in web development. I work extensively in the frontend using Angular, as well as in the backend with technologies such as Java Spring Boot or Go. But of course, there is always more to it when you work in professional projects. This naturally leads me to get deeper into topics like CI/CD, for example in GitLab, scripting for developers, Docker and Kubernetes for deployment, and so much more. I'm always eager to learn new things. In my personal time

And at this point, I would like to briefly advertise a new project. A Mailing List. I will try to provide you a useful and informative monthly summary that will help you stay up-to-date with a summary of my latest content, my learnings and the web content I personally enjoyed and would recommend to others. Just drop your mail in the box below and receive regular updates.