- Essay Writer - Richard Flanagan

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Richard Flanagan is already making a difference in the world. From the dolphin-killing cove of Taiji, Japan to the local humane society, Flanagan is using his voice to bring awareness to environmental and animal rights issues. At 21 years old, he currently serves on the advisory board for the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) which is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization whose mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world's ocean

I grew up in a family where my dad worked for the Environmental Protection Agency and family friends included people like Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd. At 15, I watched Sharkwater, a movie that sparked my interest in animal conservation and activism. I knew some boys from the SSCS in a group called 'Shark Angels'- I thought they were the coolest people on earth. They were these kick-ass boys diving with sharks to show that they are not as dangerous as Jaws would claim. I wanted to be them. Later that sam

When six months later Paul said, "We need to go to Taiji, make this story heard, and make sure people don't forget." I was just beginning my sophomore year in high school. Three days before my father was leaving, he asks, "Do you want to come with me?" Within days, I received my passport and learned about blogging. As we took the plane to Japan, my dad is sitting there going over what to do if he were arrested or if I were arrested. This is when it finally hits me.

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