rheomode.org.uk - rheomode | a research practice working at the intersection of architecture, technology, art and ecological pedagogy

Description: a research practice working at the intersection of architecture, technology, art and ecological pedagogy

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a research practice working at the intersection of architecture, technology, art and ecological pedagogy

August 6, 2022 • 17:01 0

This year on the seminar programme of the MA Environmental Architecture, we approached our usual study material in a more speculative mode, through a series of world-building and worlding fictions workshops. We imagined worlds more or less similar to our own (and researched our own planet’s biology, geology, meterology, cultures, environmental disputes, land forms, systems, etc as the basis for our fictions.) Although many of these worlds were superficially very different from our own, all inevitably resona

Links to rheomode.org.uk (1)