- Restoring Power.

Description: Coaching and consulting for individuals, partners, couples, leaders, creatives and entrepreneurs.

shadow work. coaching. consulting. (1)

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*Restoring Power is on semi-permanent leave. The site will remain up for those who want reminders of my work or access to my favorite resources or blog posts. If you are looking for me, you can still reach me via the contact page. Thanks for stopping by.

We all have a light side comprised of our beauty, our strengths. And there’s the stuff we hide–our humanity, if you will. We are practiced at hiding our dark side, living only half ourselves, and wondering why we feel slightly numb. This is a loss of power. It can eat away at us if we don’t recognize it.

Restoring Power brings the light and dark sides onto equal ground. So that we live in wholeness, we engage authentically and powerfully. …So that we bring to life ALL OF YOU .