- Evidence is for Action

Description: This is an activist website sharing evidence and suggestions for activism on critical issues affecting quality of life around the world.

activism (495) activist (271) save the world (15)

Example domain paragraphs

Change of plan. The intent behind this project has been redirected to another project much more functional for truth and good, and that development is in progress. We will update here. Thank you for your patience.

Anything which represents a serious actual or potential threat to life on a mass scale is listed here, in decreasing severity of that threat, regardless of whether or not there is potential good in it.

These are issues where misunderstanding of the truth is the main problem, such as: important things which are unknown, denied, or treatest as unimportant, as well as: unimportant things promoted as important, bad things publicly considered good, or good things publicly considered bad.

Links to (15)