- Republican Briefs – Political News

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The Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC) honored its Precinct Committeemen (PCs) at Dillon’s Western Trails Ranch this past Saturday, headlined by James O’Keefe , Founder, OMG (formerly with Project Veritas, also founded by O’Keefe). The Pledge of Allegiance was led by three former Vietnam POWs: Colonel Tom Kirk (USAF-Ret.), Lt. Colonel Bob Jeffrey (USAF-Ret.), and Captain Doug Burns (USN-Ret.).The annual event, named after Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican President of the United States, celebra

Many PCs who attended the MCRC Lincoln Day Luncheon and Awards Ceremony were disappointed. Several complained that the event planners did not provide water or beverages for the outdoor event that was held the first day Phoenix temperatures hit 100 degrees – causing several to leave before the program started. The luncheon was a BBQ at Dillon’s Western Trails Ranch in Morristown in contrast to last year’s sit-down luncheon held in the ballroom of the McCormick Ranch Resort in Scottsdale. Speaker James O’Keef

LD4 proposed resolution to censure LD4 resolution to censure Speaker of the House Ben Toma and, President of the Senate Warren Peterson – for their joint failure and refusal to perform their sworn duties to model Arizona law in such a way as to protect Arizonans’ election integrity, and to do the will of their Republican constituents. This resolution introduced by: Jodi Johnson , LD4 Precinct Committeeman.

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