- RelativeCI - In-depth bundle analysis and monitoring

Description: Deliver performant modern web applications with automated bundle analysis and monitoring: in-depth webpack/rspack/vite/rollup bundle analysis and insights, identify trends, debug with ease

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RelativeCI In-depth bundle stats analysis and monitoring Product Pricing Documentation Open source Release Notes Log in Sign up Product Pricing Documentation Open source Release Notes Log in Sign up New Bundle analysis improvements In-depth bundle stats analysis and monitoring Optimize your web app's performance with automated bundle stats analysis and monitoring .

Get started View example No credit card required, 14 days trial Supported build tools const t="undefined"!=typeof HTMLImageElement&&"loading"in HTMLImageElement.prototype;if(t){const t=document.querySelectorAll("img[data-main-image]");for(let e of t){e.dataset.src&&(e.setAttribute("src",e.dataset.src),e.removeAttribute("data-src")),e.dataset.srcset&&(e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset"));const t=e.parentNode.querySelectorAll("source[data-srcset]");for(let e of t)e.setAt

Get a detailed view of how the code changes affect your web application bundle and user performance. Review assets, modules, packages, bundle size, and bundle stats metrics. Automate the review process with GitHub Commit Status Review integration.

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