- RTYDS – Regional Theatre Young Directors Scheme

Description: RTYDS is the UK’s foremost programme of paid professional development for theatre makers and directors. We offer bespoke training opportunities to artists from the earliest stages of a career right up to leadership development.We’re announcing our future new initiative FAIR PLAY to tackle socio-economic inequity.

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Intensive practical training to discover if directing or theatre making might be a future career. Aimed at under-represented adults who live locally to participating theatres or theatre companies, have a specific interest in originating work, and limited access to arts, training and employment. Read more

Participating theatres host a paid work placement for an exciting early career director or theatre maker from an under-represented background at the start of their professional career. Read more

RTYDS places talented emerging directors in theatres as paid Resident Assistant Directors where they develop their skills and learn what it takes to run a regional theatre. At the end of the residency they direct their own show. Read more