- ᖇEᑕᒪᗩIᗰEᗪ GIᖇᒪ

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I have heard lots of advice on how to let things go over the years. Mostly because… I’ve needed it myself! Letting things go has been a struggle for me. Remembering what people have done to hurt you is the best way to keep yourself safe. Right? It’s really hard to let things go, when you think it’s beneficial (and safer) not to. But all the googling I’ve done over the years hasn’t been as helpful as sitting in the presence of God and realizing He is enough.

I’ve carried a burden for too long on my own. I wasn’t created to bear it alone. I hear your invitation to let it all go. I see it now. I’m laying it down. I know that I need you. ♬♪

Did you watch the video yet? If not stop reading and go do that. Then read these lines again. Then repeat the cycle until you realize God is inviting you to let it ALL go. All of it all: pain, betrayal, desperation, fear, self protection, justified anger, guilt, injured pride, and so much more.