- Відбудуй Макарів - Благодійний фонд

Description: We are devastated by war. We need your help. Become our angel. Let's rebuild Makariv together! True foundation - true action

rebuild (236) charitable foundation (54) makariv rebuild makariv

Example domain paragraphs

For more than a month the territorial community of Makariv was under merciless daily shelling, some settlements were occupied and people had been suffering from the atrocities of Russian soldiers. Makariv was damaged with numerous destructions. About 40% of the houses were damaged or destroyed. Hundreds of families were left without a roof over their heads and an understanding of what their lives will be in future… Rebuild Makariv charitable foundation aims to help rebuild Makariv and settlements of the Mak

Our partners

We are proud of working with each of our partners as they gave us enough support to rebuild Makariv and settlements of the Makariv territory community which suffered as a consequence of the armed aggression of the russian federation.

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