- Rebecca Nemser

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In 1979, an 11th cen­tu­ry Per­sian poem with 50,000 rhyming cou­plets, illu­mi­nat­ed by tiny paint­ings in exquis­ite col­ors made from crushed jew­els and insect­s’ wings, inspired my first sto­ry about art. For the next 20 years, I wrote, pub­lished, and broad­cast hun­dreds of Sto­ries about Art in Boston and beyond. This is how it all began. 

Tags: Art New England , Carla Munsat , Dmitri Hadzi , Ernst Kitzinger , Flora Natapoff , Harvard , James Ackerman , Le Corbusier , Michael Mazur , Neil Levine , Sydney Freedberg Posted in Art New England , Autobiographical sketches | No Comments ?

CLAUDE LE LORRAIN depicts the moment just before trans­fig­u­ra­tion — the moment just before women turn into god­dess­es, or girls turn into swans, or life turns into art. His light is dusk and twi­light — the dark­ling light that wash­es the phys­i­cal world in unearth­ly beau­ty and fills the heart with an intox­i­cat­ing sense of possibility.

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